Earthbound spirits spirit attachment take possession of a living person’s body mainly because they are trapped on earth and unable to transcend to the light. This occurs when a person is feeling vulnerable and off-guard. Spirit attachment is defined in the simplest terms as a person who has an undesirable energy or an entity connected to them.
This concept has been accepted by many shamans, esoteric philosophies, transpersonal psychology, and mediums for a long time – and due to the increase of mainstream exposure into paranormal investigations, it continues to be actively investigated and researched.
S attachments are a specific grouping of negative subtle energies which can vary in power, have different potential effects, and may be misdiagnosed as symptoms that can fit a number of other possible causes. We all have S attachments in different degrees.
Those mixed energies spirit attachment and possession can control your mind, thoughts, success, prosperity, goals and actions to such an extent that you lose your own identity. They create an imbalance which also can manifest into conditions such as Bi=Polar, Depression, anxiety, obesity, drugs, alcoholism, brain fog, blocks your path ahead, drain your energy, and so on ….
Psychic Medium Henry is specializes in the removal of s attachment that is the cause of most of the above conditions and with his spiritual solution gift, he will totally remove these earthbound spirits allowing you to take ownership of your intended destiny. 3 sessions are usually sufficient.
Common symptoms are of s attachments: Chronic Fatigue, Outburst of Anger, Anxiety, Moodiness, Feeling of being watched, Pressure on shoulders, Suicidal Thoughts, Tendency to Obesity, Insomnia, unusual Headaches, Blocked Path, Feeling Heavy and more….
Your spiritual freedom will make your live a life of success and achieve all your targeted goals.
This is exactly what every person walks around with that is not spiritually cleansing regularly, including themselves, their homes, their vehicles and their work space. Attachments can form in many ways. They can be sent by enemies, they can be from birth, they can be from the company we keep and they definitely come from sexual interactions. But even with something as simple as a hug or handshake you can pick up someone else’s attachments and sometimes you don’t have to do anything at all! Some people are just super attractive to spirits and pick them up anywhere and they get followed home. This is why regular cleansing and protective practices such as head covering, carrying or wearing protections are so important.
After the spirit removal sessions they all end up using the same phrase: “I FEEL SO MUCH LIGHTER”
From Spiritual Solution on personal experience, everyone will feel amazed at the following results:
- A healthy and positive attitude to life
- High Confidence level
- Regained ambition and goal orientated
- Full of energy
- The facial expression becomes softer
- Some dis-eases disappear depending on its severity
- They are able to take control of their lives
- Some are surprised by a photographic memory after years of Brain fog and memory struggles.
Keep yourself in the right mindset to avoid being vulnerable to Spirit Attachment during these uncertain times.
It is not surprising that extreme isolation coupled with great uncertainty and fear causes many people to become ungrounded, which makes them more at risk for physical and mental disorders.
At Henry Healing Center, we have experienced an increase in people with symptoms they believe are due to S Attachment. Before we explain how unprecedented times can contribute to S Attachment, let’s clarify what S Attachment is.
It is also known as Entity Attachment is when the spirit of a person who has passed away (and doesn’t transition to the other side) attaches itself to a living person’s energy field. These spirits feed off of a person’s energy, and as a result, the living person who was once healthy and happy may start to experience symptoms that cause them pain and anguish. Common symptoms of S Attachment are unexplained anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, racing thoughts, addiction, powerful negative emotions, personality changes, mood swings, chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, digestive problems, and more. The Spirit Attachment phenomenon is still mostly unknown or misunderstood by society and as a result many people end up suffering for years with reasons unknown to them. Conventional methods usually don’t alleviate symptoms caused by Spirit Attachments.
Why are people more susceptible to Spirit Attachment today?
People are significantly more vulnerable to Spirit Attachment when they are under stress or in a prolonged state of fear. It is much easier for spirits to attach to a person who is short of energy, such as feeling sick or weak, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is also the reason why Spirit Attachment usually occurs during nerve-racking life events such as the death of loved one, financial loses, divorce, or personal injury. When we feel resentful or hold grudges and are unwilling to forgive, this can also put us at risk of attracting unwanted Spirit Attachment.
How can you avoid being vulnerable during these uncertain times?
Here are five ideas to help you stay grounded, healthy, and S Attachment-free:
- Control your negative emotions: This is obviously easier said than done, however with some practice you will become much better at it. Try to catch yourself when you are about to fall into a state of negative emotions and instead of reacting to these emotions, become an observer.
- Forgive everyone and everything including yourself: Forgiveness keeps our vibrations high and it’s the best protection against any negative energy whether it comes from living people or spirits.
- Let your loved ones depart in peace: Grief should be experienced as intensely as possible. We have been left alone, we are angered and we are burdened with new responsibilities or problems that we never had to deal with before. We should give ourselves as much time as we need. However, we also should allow the deceased person to depart to the other side and refrain from wishing they were still here with us.
- Focus on mental health: Take care of your mental health with relaxation, exercise, quality food, and stay connected to others, even if that is virtually.
After the spirit removal sessions you will experience the complete removal of the symptoms, which will release you from the conditions you experienced, giving you a fresh new lease on life.